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Album cover artwork serves as a portal into what the listener can expect from a music album, and even what kind of band or musician lies behind the creativity. Strong, vivid album covers make a statement, as the imagery is an opportunity to make the right first impression. Good album art does not even need to feature the artist itself, with many artists opting for other designs. In my opinion, the album becomes more effective in its purpose to capture a specific mood or feeling. Within my own designs, I hope to capture a feel that people will or will have already experienced. A fun, energetic and vibrant look is what I always hope to achieve. The ambiance of a music festival sparks a light inside anyone attending and the electric energy pulsating through an audience which are all experiencing music many love and share.

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Album cover 1.jpg
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cover 1 Aesthetica.jpg
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AC 6.jpg
vinyle 5 x3.jpg
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